Cyberpanel Optimization for WordPress

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Cyberpanel Optimization for WordPress

Hi guys, in this article I will discuss about the optimization panel named cyberpanel, lets go…..

Cyberpanel Optimization for WordPress


Mysql optimization to avoid wasteful RAM

Open the putty terminal

nano /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf

Enter this under [mysqld]:

max_connections = 265
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 512M
query_cache_limit = 2M
query_cache_size = 32M

Then Save (Ctrl X + y + enter)


Install Redis server dan phpredis extension (php 7 above)

Open the putty terminal

yum install lsphp70-pecl-redis lsphp71-pecl-redis lsphp72-pecl-redis -y
yum install redis -y
systemctl start redis
systemctl enable redis


Setting Opcache

Activate the extension in the cyberpanel panel opcache, part of the php extension.
Open the putty terminal

nano /usr/local/lsws/lsphp70/etc/php.d/10-opcache.ini

(adapt with the version of php you are using, as an example I am again using php 7.0, if you’re use php 7.2 means so lsphp72)
Adjust opcache. memory_consumption, e.g.

opcache.memory_consumption = 120

Then Save (Ctrl + X + y + enter)


Cache optimization lscache plugin (WordPress)

Well this is important, but everything important anyway … he he he …LOL
Okay back to the laptop.
Install the plugin in the wordpress cache litespeed.
Turn on and go to the settings.

General settings = Enable LiteSpeed other Cache, leave all default
Cache = leave all default
Purge = leave all default
Excludes = Do Not Cache content URIs with:/wp-admin/ and /wp-content/plugins/
CSS = leave all default, I compare use autoptimize more faster rather than lscache minify
Tuning = leave all default
Media = leave all default
Advance = Object Cache set ON select Redis then select the Browser cache
Crawler = For Delay setting, I’m set to 5000 ms