How to Search for People on Snapchat – The Snapchat is one of the most mobile applications that have been successful and attracted the attention of Android smartphone users and iPhones lately, especially because it is completely different from other social networks that we use on a daily basis.
With it, you can share videos and photos at any time with your friends, and they self-destruct after being viewed. This turns out to be fun especially because you can do and send stuff you would not normally share on other social networks or to take advantage of to share moments in a way that would not work so well in other media.
Of course, to start using all the cool features of Snapchat, you need to start somewhere, like finding your friends or famous people to follow, for example! To find out how to do this, just check out our tips on how to find people in Snapchat easily!
First, if you have not yet installed Snapchat on your smartphone, it’s time to do so. Click here to download the version of Android or click this link to download the app on your iPhone. The installation is super easy and only requires that you create a new user quickly.
Then, Snapchat will show you some options for people you can meet and add, based on your phone contacts. You can also invite new people to use the app if you want. If you’ve done all this in the past or want to find people who are not in your phonebook, it’s time to follow our tips!
First, open the app, touch the ghost at the top of the screen and drag it down. This will cause the screen to find friends, well-known people or celebrities open on your smartphone. You’ll also have options to see who added you and view your list of friends already added.
Click “Add friends” and you’ll see some options on how to do this. If you already know the exact username of a friend you are looking for, click the “Add by username” option and enter the name that your friend uses in Snapchat. You should see the person appearing on the screen and have the option to add, block, and send a video, photo, or text message.
This procedure is one of the simplest since you can simply ask the username of your friends or search the celebrity you like, for example. If you prefer to add people who are in your phonebook, click “Add from Contacts Calendar” and you will see all those who are already using Snapchat and can be added.
If you prefer, there is also the option “Add by Snapcode”, which consists of taking a picture of the ghost icon of someone’s Snapchat (the one that appears in the add friends screen) and use it to quickly identify it with the application. You can take the photo with Snapchat itself or your camera app to open the photo later if you want.
Finally, you can simply use the “Add By Proximity” option, which needs GPS to work, but is able to find Snapchat users that are close to you. The procedure is very simple and useful if you need to add multiple people from one place at a time.
Did you like our tips on how to add people to Snapchat without difficulty? Then leave your comment telling which method you prefer and use to find your friends in the app! – How to Search for People on Snapchat